Sunday, August 12, 2007

Can a Bicycle Rider get a DUI Ticket?

My one son took his bicycle to the Shore. Said he would not drink & drive. He would just ride his bike! I said, "good idea"! My other son said, you can still get a DUI ticket on a Bicycle! Not to mention, how do you invite a "chick' u meet (down-a-shore) and ask her to ride with you on your Bike to view the Sunrise? I am so Happy to be OLD! Can the DUI Police give you a Ticket for riding a BIKE while under the influence?
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Anonymous said...

You betcha they can arrest you. Chicks love to sit on the handlebars as you pedal them along the Ocean Drive. Of course, it helps if the chick is from Port Richmond or Kensington.

Anonymous said...

I had a friend get arrested (years ago) for "cycling under the influence"

Anonymous said...

I received a DUI one time in Avalon for drinking and using my roller skates to get home.

Anonymous said...

Yes, and as the field sobriety test the officer asks you if you can pedal the bike around backwards.

Anonymous said...

Pea or Cannons, this ones for you guys. Did the "son" make it arrest-free this weekend on his trike? Better yet, how'd it go with the beach babe????

Anonymous said...

the "son" does not discuss "bike riding" with the dad and the "dad" does not probe...

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