Monday, December 3, 2007

Chris McKendry... are we related?

It says in this article that she is related to William Shatner... Does that mean I am related to William Shatner? She can play the hell out of the drums.


Anonymous said...

she went to Drexel on a Tennis Scholarship...that is Cool! Jason...if you are related to William Shatner it is thru the Vulcan Vein...ala Dr Spock!

Anonymous said...

Play the Hell out of the Drums?!?
I will put the Male Chris vs the Female Chris any time on the Drums!!!

We need to invite the Female Chris to the Blog to answer these "important" Family questions...Obviously, the Male Chris has decided to take the "High Road" and ignore the Uncles Banter...

Anonymous said...

Obviously, the female Chris wants no part of this side of the family. She has never responded to an e-mail. Not even to say thank you when something was forwarded, very complimentary, about her father. As per Tom McKendry Jr... She ignores all overtures from this side of the family.

Anonymous said...

Z says complimentary overtures are ignored by "thefemalechris"...sad.

Sounds to me like "thefemalechris" needs to have a Good BM (meeting)! Meanwhile, let's move on to other Famous Cousins & Family Members!

1) Anyone see Dr.Ted Gladue lately?

2) How about that elusive Dr. Donny Dornisch?

3)Has anyone Googled Eli or Irving Litt lately? They were like Family!

4)Was Stevie McDermott family or just Mother's worst Nightmare?

5 Hughie Malloy was famous...right?

Anonymous said...

Speaking of famous people:

True story...

I was stuck in Pittsburgh over the weekend for depositions. I was not at all happy about the trip, particularly because I could not get a direct flight and I had to drive all day in lousy weather (on my birthday)!

Late Sunday afternoon, I am coming down the elevator to go out and walk around the city and there were a bunch of younger guys on the elevator with me, all nicely dressed. I get off with them at what I think is the lobby. Suddenly we are all quickly being ushered by some woman through a side door and out of the Hotel. I have no idea what is going. As we step outside I see a bunch of police, a long line of people roped off snapping pictures and two buses directly in front of us. I suddenly realize that I am about to board the Cincinnati Bengal's bus to Heinz Field to play the Steelers. I quickly step out from the crowd and go on my way. I called Seana back at home and we were laughing hysterically about it.

Later Sunday night I met with clients in the Hotel to prepare for depositions on Monday morning. After we finished up we went to a restaurant in the Hotel for dinner. Who do I run into at the bar but the "Great One" himself- Wayne Gretzky. The Coyotes were in town to play the Penguins on Tuesday. We spent a few minutes talking about the city (he was looking for a good Steak House). He was very gracious and gave me an autograph for Liam. There is a short list of people that I always thought it would be really cool to meet, Gretzky is high up on the list. He is a really nice guy, very personable.

What I thought would be a lousy weekend working actually turned out to be pretty interesting....

Anonymous said...

good story WILLY, and Happy (belated) Birthday...

Anonymous said...

I just hope all those depositions were put into my account.

Anonymous said...

...and WHO SAID Pittsburgh wasn't a Happening Place????

Do any US cities have these?