Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Formerly Pork Chop, the mascot's new name is Ferrous -- themorningcall.com

The nick-name Pork Chop has been deemed to be offensive to some...therefore, it must be changed!!! How many visitors to theNewgpblog.blogspot have been "offended" by its' content ?


Anonymous said...

Does anyone have a clue why porkchop is offensive to the hispanic community?? John, Are you there?

Anonymous said...

I've been around more than half a century, worked in Puerto Rican neighborhoods for a number of years and have NEVER heard that term. Am I the only one? Shocked that the Muslim community in the Lehigh Valley hasn't objected to the mascot being a pig.

Anonymous said...

I hate when you refer to me as Don Rickles or Peter Boyle!!!

That offends ME!!!!


Anonymous said...

Wait just a minute...I thought Chops was a Jewish name...at least it used to be--in the Boudinot* Street Driveway.

*That spelling doesn't look right...someone spellcheck, please?

Anonymous said...

Pokechop is offensive...Porkchop is delicious!

Anonymous said...

There is a football player named Pork Chop Womack... I find that offensive. I find it offensive that all screw drivers and hammers are made for right handed people. I hate my life!

Anonymous said...

Boudinot is the correct spelling...it is a French word meaning "just West of D Street"

Charles DeGaul met Winston Churchill and FDR there in May of 1946 to decide how to divide up the Eastern Europe Bloc after WWII and to attend a barbecue in the driveway between Boudinot and D street to celebrate the Birth of the Pea...

It's a fact...but the photos of the event were lost in the Mechanicsburgh flood of 1970...

What are they actually saying & hearing in a huddle?

This is why I never wanted to play football!