Monday, December 17, 2007

Global food supply is dwindling rapidly, UN agency warns - International Herald Tribune

I went to the ACME today and got myself a Great salad for $2.91

Don't ya just hate these Alarmists, especially when they work for the UN . AND! Global Warming is a Big cause of the Problem !

Let me guess...the "solution" to the "problem" would be for countries (mostly the USA) to send More Money to the UN so they can Fix the Problem...

Yes, I am injecting some Politics to The Blog!


Anonymous said...

Stinkin' Liberals!

Anonymous said...

Same folks told us that we needed to make gas with corn in it (ethanol) today on the news it said ccereal could reach $7.00 a box; corn shortage, too much ethanol....

Anonymous said...

If there's no shortage of M&M peanuts, I'm fine.

Anonymous said...

Are we back to the WIWO Blog? What's up with the salad.

What are they actually saying & hearing in a huddle?

This is why I never wanted to play football!