Sunday, December 16, 2007

"So sophisticated" and why the Game of Football requires so much TIME & WORK!

Troy ACHEman (he of the $5.00 TIP) just said that the Cowboys went offside because these Offenses have gotten "so sophisticated"...he went on to say that when a QB is in the "Shotgun" it used to be that when the QB moved his leg, they would make the "snap"...Now, he said, they pre-arrange it in the Huddle that the ball "may" be centered on the 2nd or 3rd leg movement...

With these revelations from a "Hall of Famer", I now understand why head coaches sleep in their offices and need 16 Assistant Coaches! How else could they come up with such innovative and "sophisticated" strategies...!

BY THE WAY....WE NEED TO THINK ABOUT A FAMILY OUTING TO CANTON OHIO TO visit the Football Hall of Fame. I suggest sometime in April.....


Anonymous said...

I agree with the trip to Canton. But I believe it should be in late July. I understand Wilma McNabb will be inducted this year. It seems the NFL now has a Soup Line!!

Anonymous said...

I will go to Canton! I prefer we leave this weekend !

Gerald Pea said...

er, that would be "Bubby Brister"...
my Dad, Bunky Brister, made that First comment.

I want to see if they sell Bubby Brister Tshirts at the Hall...or, Rich Kotite "Play calling clipboards" !

Anonymous said...

Two BIG influences in the McKendry family have been MUSIC and SPORTS.

I think we should go to the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame and then travel on to the Football Hall.

Anyone have a BIG van???

Anonymous said...

I agree! with Blaze, we could see his "Memorial" in the Rock & Roll wing of the Hall (corporate Band) and then go to the Football Hall and view the cinders that were taken out of the knee, thigh and calf of Dutch ! Plus! we could have Dutch wear shorts so we can view the cinders that are still embedded !!!

Double Plus !!! Dutch can provide the Van !

sounds like a Plan

What the Buck? said...

I would love to go back to my home state. Meghan and I lived near the Football Hall of Fame. We could show you around. I strongly recommend this place.

What are they actually saying & hearing in a huddle?

This is why I never wanted to play football!