Friday, February 8, 2008

Einstein & Me

Watched a cable program on the Greatest Scientific Minds last night. They picked Galilleo (poor guy had no first name) Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawkings. Gallileo was tried, excommunicated and imprisoned for believing the Sun was the center of the solar system, Newton was a whack job who had zero social skills, Einstein was a party boy in college who couldn't get a job and Hawkings isn't dead yet so they're holding off saying nasty things about him I guess. All of them used mathematics to prove stuff about space. They worked on these math problems for years. Same friggin' problem for years! There were some of Fr. Gallagher's algerba I problems I could work on for light years and still wouldn't know where to start. Imagine if the world counted on us to solve these math problems!! I have trouble concentrating for 5 minutes on one thing let alone years. "Hmmm, black holes in space where do they go hmmmmm.....wonder where the chicken's fingers are?" That's more of my thought process. Then I thought this morning, "Does any of that stuff have an impact on me?" I'm never going to space. Could care less about black holes, relativity, solar systems, apples falling from trees etc. If that stuff was important why didn't they teach us that in grade school? If we ever had a grade school science class it was while I was out unloading penny pretzels or setting up chairs in the hall for Mr. Crosby and Frank. Frank was a lot like Galilleo, he had no last name either. I guess that's why girls were always smart, they never were sent out to unload pretzels. If there's a hell for Einstein and the boys it's probably spending eternity stuck in a classroom with guys like me who spend their time wondering deep thoughts like, "How many mini-marshmallows could I fit in my mouth?" How's that for a black hole?


Anonymous said...

Is this an example of what happens when you spend the Majority of your Adult life dedicated to BROWN and then retire? Who doesn't know the Theory of Relativity or why an Apple falls Down? Who doesn't know the latest theory on how the BIG BANG occured? Not to mention the Catholic Church explanation for the unfortunate execution of the aforesaid Mr Galilleo...oops, our Bad!

BROWN requires them to work too many hours, thus depriving the
BROWNies the time to learn what all of us Nonbrownies learn while wasting our time!

Slim has a good point with the Algebra thingamajig....
PS...BROWN does deliver on time

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hey, i like that E=McK thang...! That wasn't me who did that either. Don't know who a nonymous is.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yo...Weirdos!! Galilleo, no first name, Hah, That is the first name, Mine!!! How do you think I got the nickname of Gay??

Anonymous said...

Slim, say it isn't so. All those hours we spent together at the kitchen table working on Algebra; you were brilliant at that point. A shining star. Only the Christmas Star shined brighter. Maybe the blog observer is correct about working too many hours. Sit and relax a while and meditate. It will return to you.

Anonymous said...

The greatest thing in the world happened to me one year when Gerry was at Temple Prep? and he had the same algebra course I had at CD except HIS BOOK HAD THE ANSWER TO EVERY PROBLEM IN THE BOOK in the back of the book. Porky couldn't figure out how I got EVERY homework problem correct and an F on every test.

Anonymous said...

what is E ?

The Donald nominated Matt Gaetz to be the US Attorney General

  A seemingly silly nomination that the Media immediately jumped on! Gaetz pulled his nomination, citing difficulties with the media & R...