My three and a half foot tall therapist greets me at the door some nights when I come home. He will typically say something like: "why are you making that face again?" To which I reply "I am just tired Buddy, or just a long day." Then he usually suggests that we share a Popsicle or that I chug some chocolate milk and have a battle with him. Then we "watch a little Discovery Channel" and all is right with the world...
No...I have my wife for that...
My life psychologist has been following me around for many years. She is called my wife. Most of those years she has not been happy with my progress.
My three and a half foot tall therapist greets me at the door some nights when I come home. He will typically say something like: "why are you making that face again?" To which I reply "I am just tired Buddy, or just a long day." Then he usually suggests that we share a Popsicle or that I chug some chocolate milk and have a battle with him. Then we "watch a little Discovery Channel" and all is right with the world...
I am waiting for his bill....
My therapist comes frozen in a one gallon carton and I devour every morsel of therapy it gives me.
Slim: What "flavor" is the best therapist would you say? I may be shopping for a professional therapist! ha! ha!
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