Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Frustrating day @ the HUP

In an effort to get the heart rhythm correct they did a procedure today (in his room) that required Michael to be "put under". Chance of success is 80%. He said there were at least 8 to 10 people involved. The whole deal took about a half hour and when he came/to they told him it didn't work. He's back on another IV that they hope will cure the problem, but if not, he goes thru the same procedure on Thursday. Considering the circumstances he was pretty up-beat but admitted to being frustrated with the periphery stuff that goes on and complicates things...the tubes, the swelling, the sore throat, etal.Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Keep those Hail Marys coming folks. Cooker needs a pick-me-up.

Anonymous said...

Today is Wednesday. This time last week Michael (and all of us) were very anxious about going into surgery. Today that is behind him. A lot of 'stuff' has happened in one week. Hang in there Cooker.

Anonymous said...

I saw Michael again today and he looked much better than yesterday. He had just come out of being "under" and was not all there. Today he said that the IV they have him on apparently is working and he may not have to go thru the procedure again!

Anonymous said...

I saw the Cooker today. Other then the 5 O'Clock shadow, the man looked very good to me. I expected to see him hurting but he was in good shape. He was actually eating when I arrived. He even made a few jokes. When I left he got up and started doing pushups and between sets he messed around with a jump rope. I was shocked. Cooker is cooking!

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