Wednesday, April 16, 2008

GranPa says, "say hello to Luke John McKendry !"

Born TODAY! 6lbs14oz somewhere near The Surf in Redondo Beach California...Cool Stuff!!!


Anonymous said...

Welcome, Luke. I think I'll call you L.J. Now if I could figure out whose kid you are, I would feel really good. Based on the caption of the Post, I would say either Sam or Jason is your father. I'll figure it out. Stay with me on this!!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful baby! Congratulations to the whole GPea Family!! Love his name, too.
aunt alyce

Anonymous said...

Great hair line...

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Kelly & Sam, what a beautiful baby!

Eddie & Susan

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Kelly & Sam. Looks like a handsome little guy. Soon we'll soon need a Dir. Of Player Personnel with all these new babies!

The Becklets said...

Congratulations Kelly & Sam! We can't wait to meet Luke!
Patty, Kevin, Daniel, Anna & Kathryn