Anyway, we have been Studying the methods of Victoria Stilwell on "Animal Channel" and have come upon a system to make your visit to Monastery Ave EVEN more Pleasant! Coco is not "nasty" she is just "excitable"
- Coco Loves company
- She knows and anticipates when people are coming here.
- She jumps on people and Barks at them
- She threatens no one
- After about 5 Min she will leave you alone
- But, when you are leaving she will bark and jump again!
The Solution? According to Victoria, you (the Visitor) need to avoid Eye Contact when you show up (eye contact with Coco, not me) AND.............BRING TREATS! (for Coco, not us)
So, there you have it! PROBLEM SOLVED!
- We look Forward to Seeing You this Holiday Season !
Sorry, but that is NOT comforting info when you're afraid of dogs (e.g. "me"!)
I don't trust any creature that can't talk to me!
It's the jumping on people, the sniffing their crotch, the barking, the size of Coco, the shedding...add it all up and it is enuf to scare some people off...sorry.
MOH7 can straighten that doggy out in no time. She'd whack the dog with her Caesar DVD's, knock her on the head with her Hollywood Trainer book and wrap it all up with her no bark, invisible fence collars. Works like a charm; look at Krimpet.
It's wonderful to see how in-tune you are with Coco's needs! How did we get so many dog haters in this family??? Hey Pea, Your next poll question should be about our family's feelings toward dogs.
When i suggested that we go look at puppies, judy ann agreed but said "no way" are we getting a dog! she only agreed because the alternative I suggested was even more Gross. So, we see the pups in someone's living room, Judy ann falls in love with coco and now says she will never live without a dog...which I now have a problem with! Dogs are a lot of Work! Sorta like "Spouses"...and...
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