I read that "THE BOAT" is 3x's Larger than an Aircraft Carrier! How do they scale the Walls?
If I was a Movie Producer I would be.....
I also read that this is about the 48th one they Pirated this year.
And for this one they want $10 Million! (it is now up to $25 million) If I had it I would buy it and sell it back to the Big Boat Owners for $150 million (the cargo is worth $100 million + the cost of the Big Boat!)
...the people in Charge, however, are "deeply concerned" UGH!
How do they board the ship? The oil tanker had armed guards...don't they shoot at them as they are trying to board? I got a million questions...don't they see the little motor boats coming up to them in the middle of the ocean? Good grief..Pirates hijacking ships that size...Roberto Clemente is rollin' in his grave!
Captain Cooker? what does, OH! it just hit me! Roberto was a Pirate that stole Bases!
Keep away from Avalon you pirates! I hope they don't board my boat, the Old Crow!!!
Little known fact:
Donovan's relatives were the guards. They didn't know pirates worked at night. "I didn't knowwwwwww"
and all the other guards that guarded agreed with Donavan's guard family...they all said "that was news to us, we sleep at night, and people actually Pirate? We had no Clue..." Another area to Improve upon, Captain Andy!
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Roberto Clemente, debut: 4/17/55 final game: 10/3/72, 18 seasons. 9454 at bats, 3000 hits (exactly), .317 career B.A. and 1230 Strike outs. Inducted into hall of fame 1973. Pete Rose, debut 4/8/63, final game 8/17/86, 24 seasons. 14053 at bats, 4256 hits, .303 Career B.A., and 1143 strikeouts. That is 47+ S/O's per season. WOW... PUT PETE IN THE HALL NOW.
I agree with Blog Stats Pro!
If MAZ, the other Pirate,is in,
( because of one Lucky swing of the Bat) Why isn't Pete!
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