My father has told me recently, "If I saw Al Gore on the street, I really think I would punch him! I HATE AL GORE!"
What is it about Al Gore that you hate so much? Why do you get so angry while talking about Al Gore? the guy won the Nobel Peace Prize!
Just remember this: If we never knew Al Gore, your greatest accomplishment to date would have never existed... The GeraldPea Blog. Al Gore invented the Internet!
look at the grip GPea has on that Oscar photo! He really doesn't want Al to have it.
NO pets.
Will not buy pets--except Webkins.
Not crazy about Al Gore.
...But I don't HATE (such a strong word) the man.
Hi! to "Tipper".
the Abuse I take! I never said I wanted to punch him out! I just want to give him a Wedgie!
i think the guy in the red hat, upper right, is part of Al's Security Detail.
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