and I know I am violating Blog Etiquit, etiket,etiquet,eddykit....
But...I hope this Guy from Pa Loses Big Time Today!!!
Remember the Abscam Debacle? This Guy was there...
and he was a Marine that ...well...I Hope he Loses Big Time!
Jack Murtha...Nancy Pelosi's Water Boy...and an Embarrassment to anyone Living in PA. !
By the Way...we will be doing "Live Blogging" all day with Election Topics, so be sure to check in on an Hourly Basis....
PS...hang in there, this Election Season is almost over...
Just returned from voting and never saw 1/3 of the crowd before. Whatever happens it should be a record numbers of voters.
Dear Pea...do you promise to stop with the political postings beginning tomorrow...or is this more of the same from the republicans, lies, lies, untruths and relentless phone calls...good grief already...by the way, the polls were crowded at 6:45am, when I stood in line to cast my vote for Ralph Nader!
Wait! Is today Election Day???
Help! I almost got busted today at the polls. Krispy Kreme is giving away a free doughnut if you show 'em your voting receipt.
After trip #9 to the polls an election judge chased me for three blocks before I lost her.
If anybody asks Pea, I was with you all day.
This guy getting re-elected just shows how stupid voters can be. He calls his constituents "racist" and they still re-elect him.
Charlie Dougherty insulted his voters and he was run out of office in Philly. Guess Pittsburgh is a lot more forgiving than Philly.
How racist can they be, Obama won his district?
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