Thursday, November 20, 2008

Would any of us have done this?

The true test of a man's character is what he does when no one is watching. John Wooden said that, or maybe it was Spider-Man. Whatever, it still holds true; being noble and upstanding is easy enough when you've got people watching, but when you're alone with yourself, when you could do the wrong thing (or avoid the right thing) and get away with it, well -- that's when you find out what kind of person you are.
I think I saw Timmy hit an illegal ball once. I think it was a Juniata prototype they created to see if it would stand up to bouncing off a bus on Wyoming Ave. I don't think he EVER 'fessed up...


Anonymous said...

In the Buckmeister's new book, "Golf for the Buckeye" the author Buckminster Hamilton, says that golf is a game of intentions.

You intend to be a gentleman on the course but you're teamed up with a jerk, hence you no longer need to be a gentleman since your intention is now misguided with the jerk there.

Soooooo, according to Buck, it gets heavy here, if ya didn't intend it, it doesn't count. Thus his 2 handicap and the large eraser on his little stubby pencil.

Thus, according to the Buckinator no need to fess up to the 75 trackless trolley shot since I did not intend to hit it.

As Andy Semi says, "When in doubt; Buck it."

Anonymous said...

I sorta disagree with Slim, I guess. What the !@#!@ did he say?
If you are a Politician "intent" is what it us all about! Whether you actually get it done is irrelevant! Intent wins votes!

Now, In Golf, Intent means "diddlysquat" are only rewarded for Results! Every Athelete "intends" to win but only Tiger does consistently!

Ergo (& I intend to get the same word count as Slim, here) I would have Cheated to get the Result I "intended" from the Outset! thereby adding to my $7million "nest egg"! along with being Re-elected to be on the Tour next season!

Can I hear an Amen?

Anonymous said...

There is some funny stuff written on this blog...these comments had me laughing out loud...Keep it up boys! Yez'r funny as Danny Ragan dancing!

What the Buck? said...

Slim Pickens is misquoting me.



Media silliness...

It has been only one year since Joe Biden gave his last State of the Union address that had the media so fired up!