- the Rx said take 1 MG tablet two times per day
- came in 400mcg tablets
- how many 400mcg tablets=1MG tablet
- and how many 400mcg tablets does one take
- in a day to = 1 MG tablet
- prescribed to be taken 2xs per day
Sons & Grandsons... (The sons' are the shorter ones...) Justin, Luke, Jason & Sam...
I don't know the answer, but I would ask your friendly pharmacist--that's what THEY should know, isn't it? (OR, I would look it up somewhere!)
Uhh, Pill Popper, there is no regular visitor to this blog going to take the time to "look it up". We already know everything. No look ups here!
Time is Up! Two Pharmy People could not give us the answer, but did tell us to check with them "tomorrow". Went home and asked "Jeeves". Jeeves said 400mcg=10MG so...the answer is...???
Easy. You would take 40 mcg to absorb 1 mg. Then you divide by the cosign and add the tangent. Voila!! the perfect dosage for whatever ails you. (Don't you just love Algebra?)
Yo! all you ADD challenged peeps! Just to wrap up the answer: 25 400mcg tabs=10MG tabs. Ergo, to get the equivalent of 2 MG tabs per day from a 400mcg tab, one would have to take 5 mcg tabs per day! PLUS! You cannot get Two Ton of Fertilizer in a One Ton Truck!
Excuse me, Professor. In your previous comment you indicate "Jeeves" said: 400 mcg = 10 mg. Then in your latest comment you say 25 400 mcg = 10 mb. We take you at your word as the Professor. However, something is not right here. Please explain.
Final Answer...the mcg dose is 2.5 tabs 2x's per day. That equates to 1 MG tab 2x's per day. So, we have decided to go for 3 mcg's in the AM and 2 mcg's in the PM...which will be the equivalent of i MG tab in the AM and another mg Tab in the PM...I love the Algebraic Challenge!
Take one Oxycontin(?) whenever you feel what ails you.
Pea...over the short time I've followed this blog I notice you only ask questions to which you have already researched the answer... and still, it seems there is a difference of opinion about the answer. Get an editor....
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