Friday, October 16, 2009

Just one more reason I am not a Major League Manager...

My starting Pitcher has shut out the opposing Team for Seven Innings...unless he tells me he is hurting...
  • I would let him pitch another Inning
  • He has given up just 2 Hits & No Runs
  • If he gets in trouble next inning I replace him.
  • He has gotten 21 Outs/ Needs 6 more...
Makes No Sense to Me why Charlie would yank Pedro...then again, I am not a Major League Manager...UGH!!!
  • and what is with the Utley Ugly Toss all of a sudden?
And One More thing! Judith Ann tells me that Martha Stewart is headed to her 50th High School Reunion on Friday Night! That means Martha & Dutch are the same age!


Unk Dutch said...

That would be correct. I believe I saw that "PERP" at our prom. Meadowlands CC April 1959. Back then we called her "Stewball"!! Do the McKendry Bros have that one in their repertoire? Remember dancin' to Searchin' by the Coasters, Kansas City by W. Harrison, Rockin' Robin...Sea Cruise...16 Candles...In the still of the night? Aw, never mind! You whippersnappers would never understand.

Dateless on PromNight said...

I think Maatha was his prom DATE! (I was soo jealous!)

Cooker said...

The DutchMan just rattled off some of the classic tunes of our ute! Love those tunes, infact the Brothers did "Kansas City" last nite at a wedding gig we had...and yes, "Stewball" is a favorite folk tune of mine...everytime I see my buddy Bernie Black, we sing a version or two..Love it! Dutch Rules man!! Happy 50th reunion!

Cooker said...

Would you believe we did not see or hear one inning of yesterday's ballgame! Started the "load-in" at at 6:30pm...load-out at 10:30 to 11:30 pm...whew, I ain't getting any younger my friends...but have faith, the Phils did what they had to do, split on the road...they'll be fine!

Anonymous said...

Sam's friends say that Pea looks like Charlie!

Anonymous said...

Poor Charlie!