Saturday, October 17, 2009

Go West, Chris!

Chris left this morning on his drive to LA. He starts his job with Wheel Pros on October 26. Many emotions for us today, great excitement for him, and a little blue for the parents. Wonderful to know he will be joining Sam, Kelly, Josh & Tracy King, and other friends in the LA area. Time to start looking for the deals on flights. At dinner the other night, Chris was very excited and said, "I hope they're ready for me out there!" Go get 'em, Chris!


Gerald Pea said...

Main Entry: 1bit·ter·sweet
Pronunciation: \ˈbi-tər-ˌswēt\
Function: noun
Date: 14th century

1 : something that is bittersweet; especially : pleasure alloyed with pain
I know the feeling Susan and is tough

Michael & Mary said...

We had a wonderful nite last nite playing the wedding with Young Chris on skins...not only is he a great drummer, playing along with the "hits" of his Dad and Uncle M...he's a joy to know and we wish him nothing but blue sky and happiness...miss ya already Chris!

Anonymous said...

I've been in Chris' shoes and know the mixed feelings but as it turned out; one of the best things we ever did was to relocate and get a new perspective on life and you get the opportunity to stand on your own. Sink or swim you see what you're made of and Chris is made of good stuff, he'll do great. Good luck and safe trip.

Eddie_Susan said...

thanks for the nice comments, bros.

Alyce & Paul said...

We were away this weekend, so we've been out of the loop re "family news".

Congratulations Chris! How exciting for you. You have so many gifts & talents to offer this crazy world; share them with the love & joy you always share with the fam. WE WISH YOU ALL THE BEST!
Stay in touch--remember the GPBlog!

To Mom & Dad: Another milestone for you! You must be so proud. It's hard to see him move so far, but you've given him all the best: LOVE, FAMILY, ENTHUSIASM, ENCOURAGEMENT, SUPPORT, DRUMS (did they go, too?) & most importantly, ROOTS! Can't wait to hear the "Christopher Stories".

Anonymous said...

Chris left on Saturday...what is his ETA? and Sis is right, you have to get him to comment on the blog! We are interested in his travels.