Saturday, October 17, 2009


Here are 5 members of the 1959 Roman Catholic
High School Basketball team. They gathered
recently for their 50th reunion. 2 of these ourstanding roundballers were "All Catholic". Where will you be for your 50th?? Change your life style, Clean up your act, get to church on Sunday and eat your spinach. You might make it. Oh, in case you were wondering, the "Old Guy" is the coach!! Cahillites RULE!! Well... Where will you Be???


Gerald Pea said...

We will NOT be there cause our School will NOT be there...CD has joined Forces with St. Thomas(NO)Moore!

Anonymous said...

Man that's a great Photo, Paul you look the kidding..The Dutch rocks!

Anonymous said...

which one was called "Sparky"?

Eddie said...

Great photo Paul. Looks like people were having a good time. You look like you could still sink the "J", even now. Congrats.

Anonymous said...

You guys look pretty good EXCEPT did you all shrink? You look 6'9" Dutch! I thought The Prep had the Mighty Mites?

Jake #20 said...

Excues me Slim... The Might Mites were from the 1930's. Old man Goukas played on that team!

Anonymous said...

30's, 50's ancient history to a young kid like me!