Friday, January 29, 2010

When is it Proper for Men to Hug ?

There is so much Hugging going on now-a-days...You see it on TV, in Sports, in Politics, on the Street. When is it OK for Men to Hug other Men ?


Lovey said...

HUGS are good anytime, anywhere, between anyone(s)! It's the KISSIN' that can get messy!

Gay The Gentle Man said...

Grown men are allowed to hug after the Iggles win the Super Bowl; After the Phillies win another World Series; After your son gets married and finally moves out; And finally, after "Cooker" belts another run scoring, stand up, triple to win the OTH league chanpionship and MVP! More than enuf hugs for a lifetime!!

KMac said...

always! Hugs are the best! Especially from your dad!