Tuesday, February 2, 2010

31 by 5/31 STATUS

Monday, 2/2/10, was four weeks and I am down Four. I know, you can lose four in a day or gain four in a day. Me too! But I have been down Nine during those four weeks and I have been up Five. Also...
  • I was weighed at my Doctors office with my shoes on!
So I am declaring a Four pound loss in the first four weeks. Not great but it is a start.
  • Anybody else have anything to say ?


Anonymous said...

Didn't weigh myself since darling bought a new scale. You need a 6 hour tutorial to "program" it. Why, you ask? The scale tells you how out of shape you are for your age and height. Duh!

I need a scale, that I can't even see, to tell me I'm a Tastykake away from Husky Heaven! Great idea...

the Loser said...

I am down 5 pea & I refuse to divulge my identity until I am down 15