Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I find it ironic. On the day my wife is told that she is too skinny for a life extending operation

Alberto Giacometti's sculpture depiction of a skinny "man walking" breaks the record for the price of a piece of Art @ $104.1 Million.
  • Judy Ann will be discharged from the Hospital tomorrow. No surgery will be done. She needs it but is too skinny to endure it.


Anonymous said...

We will continue praying for her!!

Anonymous said...

We'll keep praying too. Prayer changes things.

Down 5# said...

Feel the prayers, JudyAnn and Pea!

I recommend soft pretzels, pizza & milkshakes!

pea said...

Judith Ann is home today, she is now eating chicken legs and asparagus as I practice my Sculptoring...

Pea Again said...


Mary and Michael said...

Hope you are feeling better JudyAnn..get well soon.

Gay Fat One said...

Whatever happened to: "You better lose some weight or you'll have a heart attack." Yeah, right. I'll just continue to eat and worry later.