Saturday, April 17, 2010

So much Soot if you need to get somewhere ya gotta go on Foot,

evidently. I have never been to Europe. This volcano is in Iceland and is reeking havoc throughout Europe & a lot of other places.
  • Can you visualize where Iceland is located on a Map of the World?
  • Has anyone been to Iceland?
  • Were you like Rick Sanchez of CNN who said, "I thought volcanoes only happened in warm climates".
Ya talk about your "Climate Change!" this natural phenomenon certainly changed the Climate...
  • From personal experience I can tell you this is disrupting the Lives of Limo Drivers every where!


Eddie said...

i have a friend from work who has been stuck in London since last Wednesday. No idea when he'll be able to get out. Not a bad place to be stuck...

Anonymous said...

Stoneman once stopped in Rejavckgd on his way to Europe for an exploratory jaunt to lay the seeds of his granite Empire. Something about a Swiss Miss in the story and Stoney was spreading some of his own Love Lava in Rejavikdgbhk, Iceland.

a McKendry said...

I once was in Europe for so long I had to eventually "pick it out with a fork..."

I am waiting for a Joe & Dr Jill GO FUND ME page

  for Hunter, his five kids & his wife... Following the presidency of Joe Biden, according to  The Daily Beast , Hunter fell "on ha...