Monday, April 19, 2010

Today I started work on the Revival of my Main Frame!

This may mean nothing to you, but it means everything to "". You see, for the past eleven months the Blog has been Faking it on a "note-book" computer. The "Main Frame" has been down. Once I have the "Main Frame" revived it will be back to the Amazing Posts of the past...! Think of "COMCAST", their competition got more intense so they
  • Don't change anything in their format, they just
  • change their Name to (whatever they changed it to)?
Oh yea..."XFINITY" . The service hasn't changed the way, if you have the digital Comcast Box...
  • Do you use the Pause, Rewind , or Fast Forward feature?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I am waiting for a Joe & Dr Jill GO FUND ME page

  for Hunter, his five kids & his wife... Following the presidency of Joe Biden, according to  The Daily Beast , Hunter fell "on ha...