Saturday, July 24, 2010

You know what I like to do?

When my bill is $14.00 and I give the cashier a $20.00 and they bring out that PEN & swipe my $20?
  • my change is $6.00 ?                                                                                                                        
  • I ask to borrow their PEN
  • Why?  they ask 
  • So I can check out if the change is Legit
  • I say... 

1 comment:

In the 'burg said...

Ha! Ha! Ha! You are so silly, Pea!

Do you also ask THEM for their zip code? That really bugs me when they do. I also say "no" when they ask for my phone #/area code. Things ARE getting out of hand with cashiers!

WHEW! I feel better now...thanks!