Tuesday, April 12, 2011

PEA is for Politics & this one is worth 2000 Points...

...for 2000  Points...who is this Guy?

  • he has been Featured in Print & on TV in the past few Months...
Can you name him?


Average Joe said...

No freakin idea...

Bear Bryant said...

Whoever it us, he stole my hat!!!

Gay RCHS '59 #20 said...

That is none other than Robert B (for Boney) Bonitatabella proud alum of RCHS. Now doing 30 years to life in NJ state prison at Trenton. The charge: stealing Sugar Packs at a rest stop on AC Parkway after turning 65 yrs old. SAD... brightest kid in the class. Rumor has it he is the only one from that class with a permanent residence at this time.

Chris Matthews, LaSalle HS/class of '63 said...

That's Ezra Klein