Sunday, September 25, 2011

Mondays are always better when

The Eagles & Phils  Win...

Let's plan a Trip to Vegas so we can Bet on the NFL Games & the MLB Playoffs at the same time! While sitting in leather Lounge Chairs & being served High-balls!

  • I am suggesting mid October...and in the Morning we can take a ride to the Dessert/Desert


Tshirtim said...

I know you're as pure as the driven snow Pea but even you should know that you dont have to go 2,500 miles to place a sports bet in Philly. Just ask any under 40 unmarried guy who drives a virgin pickup truck and makes really bad homer Eagles predictions where you can BET THE HOUSE.

Tshirtim said...

Uh, that would be your old house we're talking about just to be clear here.

What are they actually saying & hearing in a huddle?

This is why I never wanted to play football!