As for all the mothers named...if the "SUE" listed between "Patty" and "Mary" is supposed to be "SUSAN" Dornisch-Cavada, please let it be known that we DO NOT refer to her as "Sue"! Since age 2 or 3, Ms. SUSAN has let it be know that she is "SUSAN"--NOT "sue". justthoughtyou'dliketoknow!
Dear "Susan's MOTHER", it was brought to my attention that I inadvertantly called my favorite niece Susan, Sue. I have no idea how that happened. I have never called her Sue, will never call her Sue and have no idea how I typed Sue. So Sue me!!!
Happy Mother's Day to Maureen, Molly, Seana, Kate, Meghan, Alyce, Chris, Patty, Sue, Mary, Margo, Mary, Nicole, Kelly, Katie, Karen and, Susan !
That's a lot of mothers for one family... and all of them special. Happy Mothers Day to all.
Thank you for the wishes; it was a beautiful day.
As for all the mothers named...if the "SUE" listed between "Patty" and "Mary" is supposed to be "SUSAN" Dornisch-Cavada, please let it be known that we DO NOT refer to her as "Sue"! Since age 2 or 3, Ms. SUSAN has let it be know that she is "SUSAN"--NOT "sue". justthoughtyou'dliketoknow!
Dear "Susan's MOTHER", it was brought to my attention that I inadvertantly called my favorite niece Susan, Sue. I have no idea how that happened. I have never called her Sue, will never call her Sue and have no idea how I typed Sue. So Sue me!!!
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