Sunday, May 13, 2012

Enjoy your Sunday, Mothers


Tshirtim said...

Happy Mother's Day to Maureen, Molly, Seana, Kate, Meghan, Alyce, Chris, Patty, Sue, Mary, Margo, Mary, Nicole, Kelly, Katie, Karen and, Susan !

Edward J. said...

That's a lot of mothers for one family... and all of them special. Happy Mothers Day to all.

"susan's" mother said...

Thank you for the wishes; it was a beautiful day.

As for all the mothers named...if the "SUE" listed between "Patty" and "Mary" is supposed to be "SUSAN" Dornisch-Cavada, please let it be known that we DO NOT refer to her as "Sue"! Since age 2 or 3, Ms. SUSAN has let it be know that she is "SUSAN"--NOT "sue". justthoughtyou'dliketoknow!

Tshirtim said...

Dear "Susan's MOTHER", it was brought to my attention that I inadvertantly called my favorite niece Susan, Sue. I have no idea how that happened. I have never called her Sue, will never call her Sue and have no idea how I typed Sue. So Sue me!!!