Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Spokesperson for our State Dept (which, by the way, is headed by John Kerry who served in Viet Nam)

Can you imagine dealing with this crap on a daily basis? What a way to live...


Gerald Pea said...

"We have determined that we do not have to make a determination"... Do you think this woman may need a libation from her husband by the time she gets home?

Blog observer in hiding said...

To sit and watch this stuff Pea, you must be driving yourself crazy..what is it that made you pull up a chair and pay attention to this broadcast? We'd like to know.

Gerald Pea said...

I sacrifice my own well being to keep the Blog Observers (all 3 of them) informed about what is going on out there.

Cooker said...

Now I understand..appreciate the sacrifice Pea!

Welp! Now we're screwed...

  https://www.yahoo.com/news/social-security-checks-could-stop-215943024.html Social Security Checks Could Stop Going Out by April, Ex-Head ...