Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Will this be too hard to pull off? A competition during Labor Day Weekend.

Labor Day this year is Monday, Sept 2. I am suggesting that we have a Shishka-bob Grill off on either Saturday or Sunday. You and your Assistant Chef(s) can prepare any type of Shishka-bob you like, i.e, beef, chicken, seafood, vega, tooty fruity or whatever. After you prepare it & garnish it & do what you do with it we will have Servers present it to a 3 or 5 Person Panel. The Panel will taste test it & score it. The Panel will not know what Chef prepared the ka-bob! After all the ka-bob entries have been tested & scored we will announce the Winning Chef! The Winning Chef would then be declared "The Best Shish-kabobber to have ever shished a ka-bob on Blossom Hill" !!!

Think something like this can happen? I've done it before and it was a lot of fun. People got very intense and secretive about their recipes ... The Servers were even accused of tipping off the Judges! But in a Fun way...

One last would be best for all if the kiddies had baby sitters & it were an Adult Only deal.


the Blog Observer said...


Gay Caballero said...

As Mark Cuban said: "I'm OUT". I will be preparing for the Great ACHE 2014. Call me at the GYM with the results.

Welp! Now we're screwed... Social Security Checks Could Stop Going Out by April, Ex-Head ...