Wednesday, June 18, 2014

My conversation with a soon to be 9 year old girl (birthday on 6/20)

Me: Nora, who is your best friend?
Nora: Susan Catherine Sissenee
Nora: her name is Susan Catherine & she has no middle name.
Me: what do you call her?
Nora: Sue

I told Nora I had a son named Mark Samuel & we call him Sam
Nora: you have a son?
Me: yes. I have 2 sons.
Nora: no way!
Me: want to see their pictures?

I then proceeded to show pictures of Sam, Jason wives & Grandkids

Nora: I know them! They were in the pool with us

Nora: and you know them?

Me: yes, I know them. Would you like a juice box?


4daughters5granddaughters said...

That's funny stuff--and so typical of "9s"! Aren't girls sweet?

EJM said...

kids say the darndest things...that would make a good TV show, an adult interviews kids. Very cute.

Tshirtim said...

Problem is, the host has to HEAR the kids!

Nora said...

i really like that you made this all about me on my special day.(ps that special is my my birthday i turnd 9)

What are they actually saying & hearing in a huddle?

This is why I never wanted to play football!