Saturday, June 14, 2014

This is one of those times when a wife would come in handy, but I did have ham & cheese & spiral rye bread!

Jason & Courtney came to Bloosom Hill today. They were here for a lesson in silk-screening from Timmy...58 shirts, front & back...white on black.

Courtney & I were chatting & she wished me a Happy Father's Day.  She also mentioned that it was their 1st Anniversary.

GULP !  

They were hungry, I had ham & cheese and a veggie tray & Dip and they left Happy.

I'm thinking my 1st Anniversay Gift to them was a lesson from Timmy?
(I did operate the Flash Dryer)


aly d said...

Such a nice picture. You look great, Courtney! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, "Mommy & Daddy-to-be"!:)

Tshirtim said...

McKendry men, given the latitude they need, always come up with romantic ways to spend our anniversaries.

What are they actually saying & hearing in a huddle?

This is why I never wanted to play football!