Monday, February 9, 2015

Daughter to Father..."Dad, do you still have that can of paint you used 3 years ago to paint our 4 bedrooms when we moved back here?"

Dad to daughter..."Let me check sweetheart"

Dad to me..."!@#$%!!#$!!"

Kate is in move mode & needs to patch some things up
before she calls the Realtor about the Listing


blaze said...

ah yes, the challenge of what to do with old paint cans, we can relate. We just bought a giant bag of kitty litter and mixed it into the cans to absorb before going into the trash. Is that OK to do? Is that ruining the environment?

Gerald Pea said...

With all due respect blaze, the Post is not about old paint cans. It is about daughters moving & asking their Dad's to dance thru hoops! But I do like the Kitty litter thing. Too bad you don't live in TJ said, "you could wheel your mother-in-law out to the side walk & they would take her on trash day...they would take anything!

I am waiting for a Joe & Dr Jill GO FUND ME page

  for Hunter, his five kids & his wife... Following the presidency of Joe Biden, according to  The Daily Beast , Hunter fell "on ha...