Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Eddie playing his original music at Godfrey Daniels in Bethlehem, PA

Read the description area under the video if you want to follow the lyrics (GeraldPea...).

and another... "Winter Night at Home".
This song was originally written when I was in college. The first verse came from a night I was babysitting in Mechanicsburg circa 1976?... and, I think it was Patty, was falling asleep on the couch next to me. The song has continued to evolve over the years to include a "middle eight" section written with my lovely wife, Susan.

1 comment:

Gerald Pea said...

blaze, I am familiar with "descriptions" under videos. The one I look for is "CC" that means closed caption is available. That is not an ez thing to find since someone has to transcribe the words. But I do know your original words to "Winter Night at Home" & the original story I heard is that you were watching Patty...& I always liked that song. I sometimes find myself humming it along w/ "Come Dancing Susan"

Remember those Seal of Approval people?