Monday, June 15, 2015

We have told the young ones that our High School class was rather large...they have no clue

Here is a photo taken in 1972 of students returning from a Fire Drill...Please note:

these were just the students that were entering through the front door.

There were about six other entry doors students went go through...


#1 said...

I do not even remember "fire drills" @ CD; you would think, with a crowd that size, I would. Must have been absent that day! (Mother let me stay home 'cause I was her fav...ha! ha!)

Gerald Pea said...

#1, I agree with you. From Sept 1960, 'til May of '64 we never had a Fire Drill! As a matter of fact, I remember
me & Tommy Schaeffer in Chemistry class askig our teacher if he was concerned about spontaneous combustion.
We even suggested that we should hold Fire Drills! We were Tommy & I went back to our experiments...

Cooker D-7 said...

You and Tommy Schaffer in Chemistry class? I need a photo!