Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Glenn Hurricane Schwartz should change his middle name to "Tropical Storm"

Tonight Glenn said..."Whether it’s a hurricane, tropical storm, or nor’easter, a significant storm will affect much of the East Coast over the next several days. This is a very complex setup, but as mentioned yesterday, this is an extreme weather pattern that is setting up, leading to the potential for flooding in some areas."
Read more at http://www.philly.com/philly/news/Hurricane_Schwartz_Tropical_Trouble.html#OZKuEPgU2T2tdpcO.99

The US has not had a Hurricane hit land in over 11 years!

(Sandy was a bad storm but not a Hurricane)

Here is a Map of Hurricanes that have hit the USA since 1950

I vividly remember Hurricanes Hazel & Hugo.

1 comment:

Wally Kinnan said...

Don't know how Glenn "Hurricane" keeps his job. Weather prognosticators have changed over the last few years..perhaps if he got rid of the "Bow-Tie"? Or went blond..