Thursday, December 31, 2015

38 years ago today Dennis was born at Abington Hospital. It was 7:47 Am

 Later that day me and Sam (age 4 but very smart) visited Mom & Dennis in the Hospital.
I said to Sam, "do you like that name Dennis?" Sam said no.
So me & Sam went to the Administrative Office to do the paperwork on the Name change and then we went to a New Year Eve Party in Wycombe, Pa

The following day @ Abington Hospital, was the 1st
time we told Mom that Dennis was now named Jason.

Mom had no problem with the name change.
Mom was still drugged up cause they
kept Moms in the Hospital for more than a few days
38 years ago...

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

You know what is really annoying about Journalism today?

It is when iournalists write a Headline, say a few introductory words and then
Cut & Paste Twitter Feeds!!!

The print Media does it whatever the subject is !
  • Sports
  • Politics
  • The Kardashians
  • Police brutality
  • NFL coaching changes
  • Climate change
  • Hollywood
  • you name it...
They just cut & paste Twitter feeds & their job is done?

Here is an example of a Cut & Paste column by a 'journalist' in the Inquirer today.

Cosby's arrest, sweater choice dissected on Twitter

Cosby's sweater choice was a story featured on via Twitter.

And I believe Cosby is guilty as Sin.
But hey! You Journal School Graduates!

Do some actual writing...

There was a time that me & Jeffery believed that Chip was a Pioneer...


Now we gotta start all over again...

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Eagles fire Chip Kelly


At least Charlie had the time 
to win the Big 
one before he took the walk.

Happy trails to you Chip.

Charlie is now a Philadelphia Icon.

Chip is now an asterick in Eagles History.

In hindsite, Andy deserves a lot of green Stars
for the time he spent in

Conference Championships: 
Division Championships: 6

Adios Chip

I actually like Hillary's coat

The Clinton/Mezvinsky walk 'round Manhattan

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Three years ago on Christmas Eve...

Christmas Eve at Poppy's Daycare.

The girls are baking cookies...

The boys are wrestling...

The girls are making icing for the cookies...

The boys are wrestling...

Pick up time is 4PM

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Although we brothers & Sister had lunch together today, I still want to Blog a Happy Birthday to The Cooker!

The Bobby Kennedy of Feltonville...
peace/love & liberalism.
(an inside Joke)

Random photos... and kids are Nuts...

Kids are fascinated with Fish Tanks

Kids turn things over

and Kids crawl through stuff they turned over.

Kids can also bend their knees in awkward positions,
feed dolls pacifiers and make you 
Jump! when they scream.

Kids don't even know how to peal an orange!
And Kids never have any Cash on them, nor
do they have ID.
Try it...ask a Kid if they have any ID or cash on them.

Most kids have no idea how to get home from where they are.

But kids are also Cool...
 and I am well aware that the world will not survive without Kids.

ergo, I need to take more Photos of more kids.

Every adult should have their own personal back-scratcher

A Stocking Stuffer idea from the Pea 

Jackson Browne ..."never heard of him" my 26 year old neice said as I raised the Sound on my awesome Stereo...

One of my 6 favorite songs of all time...

Saturday, December 19, 2015

My new sweater from Justin, Amanda & Luke.

 TJ tells me I look Great in it!

 Maureen asked me if it was sent 
from an Prime member.

I said, "I don't know".

Maureen said, "I only ask because a Prime member gets free shipping"

I said "I don't know".

If you're visiting Blossom Hill make sure you call ahead for the clearance code #

Actually, this company is a client of Maura's
& they sent her some Free Samples

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Hi-tech two & a half year olds & how to trick em...

TJ gets a call today from Blair's Mom. "will you call Blair while posing as Santa, she
is driving me crazy today!"

Of course TJ says, Sure!

Keelan...whispering..."don't call from your phone, Blair will recognize the number"

So Santa calls Blair from Pea's jitterbug phone and all went well

Blair swears to Santa she has been good
and will remain a good girl for
ever & ever...

See? This is why everybody needs a back-up phone!
So why not sign up for a jitterbug?

and tell them Geraldpea sent you.

Late night TV

I do follow Hollywood news /TVnews / & British Royalty stuff. Since this article appeared in the
Hollywood Reporter I am probably the only person in the family that has seen it;
other than my daughter-in-law on the West Coast.

Also, I'm taking a course on the "Link" feature of Blogging101...

 Another impetus was that I saw Tracy King last Saturday. She is a Producer
for the late night Conan O'Brien show and that got me to thinking about Late night TV
 ...see how that thought process works...?

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Santa & the kids

Some kids are mesmerized.
Some kids just smile.

Some kids need to be wrestled to the ground
in front of Santa.
Some kids just go along
to get along.

Oh yea...and some kids pull the 
sweater over their hands cause
their Mom told them...

"Do not put your bare hands on Santa!"
cause he has had contact with
many, many kids and may have germs and
 you could get sick!

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Rocking at the Kings 121215...Fun Funeral stuff...

After the Joan (Madge) King tribute earlier in the day...

Madge & Ray would be clapping loudly.

Happy 7th birthday Ronan! I may be biased but I believe it is fun being a Mckendry!

Ronan is the son of my neice Seana...does that make Ronan my Great Nephew?
How does that Family Tree work?

Brother Michael, being in Show Business, knows Bars.

So Me, Timmy, Michael walk into a bar/restaurant
around 3PM on a Saturday afternoon.

Timothy & Michael are wearing ties. I am wearing a Golf Shirt
that I got from my brother-in-law about 4 years ago.

The three of us have on suit/blazer/camel hair jackets.

The 9 guys at the Bar stared @ us as we entered. Take note...
The 9 guys did not mess with us.

The food was real good. The tie wearers got roast beef sandwhiches,
the brother in the Golf Shirt got a cheese-burger. Really good.

I don't know what the bill was cause I had no Cash on me...

The tie guys covered me.

So we walk outside after paying the bill & one of the tie guys says,
"what an asshole!" I said who?
The Bartender never said thanks for coming guys,
come back again...or some such. Said the Show Business brother.

Meanwhile two guys are standing outside smoking, Both of them
look to be in their mid-fifties and they are wearing 
white T-shirts and dungarees!

 The guy in the Camel hair jacket & tie said...

"Why don't we go back in there & kick all their Asses!"

Funny stuff...

To all you Fiancees'

Saturday, December 12, 2015

My Saturday with TJ & once again I did not use my Canon Camera

We went to a 12PM to 3PM luncheon to celebrate the life of Joan King.

The Luncheon was held at the  Joseph Ambler Inn & I thought I knew where it was.
We made a right turn and we should have made a left turn. Not a big deal.

We found the place

Back to my Canon Camera dilemma...there were people there that are Famous!
There were people there from Foreign Countries...

And I left my Canon Camera in my car.

I felt that it would not be appropriate to be taking photos,
but I wish tonight that I had the attitude to just
go ahead & do it.

Eddie had a slide show going that showed the Kings.
It was mesmorizing & I would like to watch it in my private time.

Anna was there (flew in from Boston to Newark 1st Class), Chris from California (flew coach) was there
and I wish I had shot some shots, but I did not.

The flight arrangements for Chris & Anna courtesy of Tracy King.
Who I would like to have a photo of, but I don't!


But Michael, TJ and Me did have a very nice lunch at a 
local Bar that Michael knew...

On the drive home TJ gets a text that Paddy got engaged and
the Sisters start texting and, Oh Man!

Anyway, that has been my Saturday so far.

Padraic & Katie got engaged in a Meadow today...

The Pea photographers were not in the Meadow but we do have these Photos.

Wishing you guys Happiness...

Friday, December 11, 2015

DECEMBER 2015: Brynn Bundled in Blue

DECEMBER 2015: Brynn Bundled in Blue: Born in September just before winter October I don't remember but I remember September...I opened my eyes... November was strange,...

Thursday, December 10, 2015

After the Eagles beat the Patriots last Sunday afternoon...

Me & TJ were looking forward to Shady McCoy
playing vs the Eagles @ 1PM on Sunday.

But not to be...
Comcast of Lancaster has decided to show the 
Steelers vs Bengals game!

So TJ has been working the twitter thing to find us a viewing site!
 We now find ourselves on "standby" @ the House of a guy named Bill in Lititz.  Bill has a different Cable provider than Comcast & likes to taunt people
that cannot view the Eagles on TV. This is the 3rd time this Season.

Bill tells TJ to call his cell after 8PM on Saturday
to see if there are any seats available
for TJ & the Pea on Sunday @1PM  !@#$%!!!
and then Bill did a 
on his Cell phone.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Sometimes Grammar Checkers just want to make you want to drive off a cliff!

Especially when they don't even spell Grammar correctly!

"In linguisticsgrammar is the set of structural rules governing the composition of clausesphrases, and words in any given natural language. The term refers also to the study of such rules, and this field includes morphologysyntax, and phonology, often complemented by phoneticssemantics, and pragmatics."

per Wikipedia

Mayor Nutter is castigating Candidate Trump

Nutter said that if he had the power, he would Ban Trump from the City of Philadelpia.

Well fortunately Nutter can not do that. Actually no Mayor, Governor
or City Council member can Ban anyone from moving
anywhere in the USA.

The only person that can Ban anyone from
immigrating to the USA is the President of the USA.

A Law passed in 1952 states that the Pres. can put a halt
to anyone immigrating to the USA.

Jimmy Carter used that law in 1979. During the Hostage crisis
Carter forbid Iranians from entering the country.
Carter also issued an order that all Iranians
all ready in the country must report to the 
Immigration Dept. to have their status verified.

15,000 Iranians were Deported in 1979.

The fine line in the Law is that Trump said Muslims. Jimmy Carter said Iranians.
One is a Religion & one is a Country...

Then one gets into whether Islam (Muslim) is simply
a Religion or a way of life & thus a country unto itself.

Bottom line? Mayor Nutter is about one Month away
from unemployment and so far down
the Political Food Chain that he should just
STFU! when it comes to Presidential politics.

What are they actually saying & hearing in a huddle?

This is why I never wanted to play football!