Sunday, April 30, 2017

With my Grandkids living in Spain and now visiting Ireland, I looked up some stuff on youtube!

LA born Grandkids, living in Spain, visiting Ireland?
What do you think the long-term affect will be?

Not to mention that they have been to a lot of other places.

The Orthodox Celts are actually an Irish Music singing group from Serbia!
Apparently, they are pretty popular with the younger Irish ones.

Brother Timmy, who is sort of the Family go-to guy when it comes to Ireland gave me this book when I moved here.  He told me to read this Book if I want to know about Ireland....

I am on page 128 

Me? I read Novels about the Troubles in Ireland
and wonder why it has been such a troubled island country for so long.

Novels byAuthors like Adrian McKinty are all I need to know
about the foolhardiness that has gone on there.

Detective Sean Duffy provides me with all the perspective I need about Ireland!

Similar to New Jersey

do you think?

got to admit that they do look a bit like Irish Lads

Saturday, April 29, 2017

I have never been to Ireland

But my Grandkids have been there. TJ tells me, think of Ireland as New Jersey. OK.

So If I fly into Avalon, NJ, why would I drive across the state to The Cherry Hill Mall
on the Banks of the Delaware the very next day?

Of course I exaggerate. They are actually visiting the Cliffs of Moher
& O'Briens Tower. I never heard of those cliffs or the Tower.

Looks chilly
I think this is a version of the latter day MP Sir Paul
McDowell walking a Lass to his Tower to
impress her...

Looks really chilly & windy

I think the message was missed on the first go-round

13+ Million views on Facebook. What does that tell you?

Friday, April 28, 2017

Remember the allegations right after the election about the Russian influence?

What ever happened to that Investigation?

Adam Schiff, former prosecutor & Ranking Member said...and I paraphrase... 'we have agreed on who we are going to send letters to' regarding our Investigation of the Russian Hacking of our election.

My new Food/Cooking Coach

I guess the point of Posting THESE 2 YOUTUBE videos is to show the
visiting Public how easy it is to get 10 to 13million views when you Post
something on youtube that may seem really silly...

I mean all it takes is some Imagination, an accent and a skit...

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

following up on the North Korean theme...

I want to know who reads what is written in all the Note Books?

"are you writing all this down?"

Can you even Imagine living Life this way?...

Has the Armada (very powerful) got there yet...?

...and where exactly is there?

President Trump said a week ago that we were sending a very powerful force to the coast of North Korea. Problem is, the US Armada was near Australia at the time he said it.

Australia is about 3000 miles from North Korea
and an Armada doesn't travel that fast!

I'm not sure (any boaters out there?) but I think
a full fledged Armada at Max speed goes about
35-40 miles per hour?

So I'm thinking the Armada will be off the 
coast of Korea around the first week in May.

I'm this a good version of a Classic?

Monday, April 24, 2017

Spring Time & unwanted critters

Had to use a mouse trap or 6 to sorta chop off the heads of some mouses last week

This week I opened up the Liquid Ant Killer

the little buggers feasted on the Liquid & hopefully
took it back to The Mother ant...

I actually don't enjoy doing that stuff.

But it is Spring Time

and that is what the little critters do.
I just wish they knew they should just 'take it outside'

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Only song I could find about a cracklin' fire...

substitute 'the snow is fallin' with the 'the rhododendron are blooming'

Also replace a winter night at home with an early Spring Fire Pit in the back yard

Also think about Poppy needing to put more lumber on the fire pit to keep it Cracklin...

I am pretty sure that nobody remembers this. But I do.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

I don't care what you say...

...the best athletes in the World today are Basketball players!

Bikers are good at biking, golfers are good at golfing.  Track stars are good at running, jumping and tossing things.

Soccer players are good @ running & kicking. Football players are specialists:  a runner, a blocker,
a tackler, a receiver, a passer.

Baseball players are baseball players, LAX players nobody knows about.

Ice Hockey is something I know nothing about. I just know that I have never seen an Ice Hockey player jump really High in the air.

I believe I am the only person perusing the blog that has watched the ongoing NBA Playoffs.

I'm just telling you, if you are not watching you are missing some Great Basketball/Athletic stuff!

Friday, April 21, 2017

why do people do verticle & not horizontal?

Vertical Sunset

horizontal sunset

When I looked at random videos/photos during my 
'Research' there are a lot of people that watch the posted video.
Texting Flip the House flip the Phone!  Friggin flip it ! Why are you Vertical!?!
Flip your phone and go Horizontal!!!

eg...The above photo would probably look much better horizontally.

You agree?

Another one of those "his was way better than yours arguements"

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

another bizzy day...

cooling down after my morning workout

cleaning the pool

whew! I'm sweaty in my work boots...

Monday, April 17, 2017


If you know anything about anything, you know that 
'Fake News' has been around since Cavemen 
were telling other Cavemen that they killed a Dina Shore today!

But I think the origin of the Modern TV Fake news started with
this guy...
Tom Snyder, who begat this guy...
Craig Kilborn, who begat this guy...
Jon Stewart, who begat many, many off-shoots...
almost too many to count.

Many of these people have their own shows today & continue 
spreading Fake News & False News throughout the week...

I'll leave it at that...or maybe one more...

Such funny stuff, right?

in case you missed it the first time..........................

Just what I don't need...deserts in my Hotpoint Fridge...

Easter dinner ends and storage space is could I refuse?

what is more Healthy than Fruit?

Vegetables! Look at all of those carrots in there!

Why not just order the Fruit & Carrot Combo?!?
with some cheese...

or maybe I should move to Scranton & join this nut that runs
in all kinds of weather even when people are chasing her... and get in shape

What are they actually saying & hearing in a huddle?

This is why I never wanted to play football!