Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Remember way back when?

It was 2001

Seana & Bill recently loaned me the book, "The Horse Soldiers"

A story about the 12 Special Forces Soldiers that were sent 
to Afghanistan in Oct 2001 to defeat the Taliban.

I am in awe of these people & what they accomplished.
and the poor horses & mules that took them where they had to go.
9 of the 12 Special Forces guys had never ridden a horse!

Not even on the Fairmont Park trails with their older brother-in-law leading the way!
Remember Mike Spann? Or...
John Walker Lindh?
The Book is a Movie now so who knows what was real
or what was made up...

It is now 2018
Three Presidents later...It's way past time to leave The Taliban
and the people of Afghanistan to settle things.
And I am aware of the pipeline potential but at this point
who gives a F!@#K...!

(I have not seen the Movie yet, but the Book is always better than the Movie)

1 comment:

jmck2 said...

Excellent topic, Pea. It's refreshing to agree on one political issue, Afghanistan and leaving. I happen to know a Cpt. who has been there in actual combat, 6, 7 tours. Now he's in the state of Washington and has been training for a year to fight in N.Korea. The few stories I've heard tell me that we've been there much too long and now we're just pissing money away.
You might disagree but only one war in my life made sense and accomplished something tangible, WW2, which was ongoing when I popped out in 1943. Korean 'conflict'(I remember that too), VNam, Middle East debacles and now cooking in DC, Korea, again. I lost my life's best friend in the arrogant lying politicians' mess in Viet Nam, the heroic 1st Lt. William C. Ryan, USMC, and he was only 25 yrs. young. Thank you liars Johnson, McNamara, et al.

Today we have two punks who've never served and never will serve or be in personal danger, threatening with nuclear weapons. One strike will kill almost a million innocent people. A counter strike could kill even more. This is serious junk.. Citizens should be heard on these issues. Protesting and diplomacy don't harm people or kill anyone.

John Lennon, "Give peace a chance..." Thanks for listening. It's a subject near my heart.
After the bombing, what next? For how long? How does it end and when? At what cost, both $$$$ (more tax money) and most important, how many Bill Ryans???

But, I digressssss. Good Morning to all.

Eagles preparing for the Playoffs...