Thursday, March 29, 2018

Leading five nothing in the 6th...Lose 8-5 in the Ninth!

The scouts for the Braves Hacked Gabe's code!@#$!!

The hackers for the Braves were in left center field...
in the bleacher seats, in camo gear!

Gabe & his staff never saw them!

Is that cheating?

What Would Charlie Do?


Gerald Pea said...

Is it necessary that I have to interpret this Blog Post about codes, indians & code breakers.
Not to mention the early research about cybernetics?

jm said...

How about the genius (acting like the genius, Gene Mauch) taking out the team Ace after just 68 pitches???/!!!! Let's see, my Ace is my best pitcher and he's cruising here, but, I'm taking him out to use some guys who failed as starters and now sunbathe in the pen. Yeah, that's it, I'll take my best out so I can use some rag arms.....In basketball it would be like taking out your best 3 pt. shooter when he's hot and use your 9th's gonna be a loooonnng season while 'Kap' learns it's the Bigs and not some baseball theory....
analytics, my butt.

Eagles preparing for the Playoffs...