Thursday, July 4, 2019

This will be a Long response to brother john's claim that he is a published author...

Linda Greenhouse writes an Opinion piece in the New York Times
that claims that Republicans lied!

It is really difficult for even long time Attorneys to understand the legalese
behind Supreme Court sometimes takes years & years and the decisions are still debated!
Roe V Wade is just one example.

This case involves whether or not the 10 year Census should include the 
question: Are you a citizen of the USA?

That is controversial today. Last time the question was asked was 1950.
But that depends...

are we talking the Long version or the Short version?

What is this whole thing about?

Before it made its way to the Supreme Court three Judges ruled against it.

An Obama appointee
Judge Jesses Furman
an Obama appointee
Judge William Alsop
a Clinton appointee

The NY Times article blames Wilbur Ross for lying to the court about?
This is Wilbur, The Commerce Secretary.

 There was some guy that is now deceased who was on a panel that studied the affect of this Census question years ago & determined that it would probably help Republicans!

Well, Duh! Of course it will...

Back to the point that the author Linda made that Trump appointed two right wingers to The Court.
She is correct, although the jury is still out on them
Gorsuch & Kavanaugh have not always toed the line

Like the Obama appointees have

Neither of them were subjected to the nasty confirmation hearings

that the Democrats put the Trump nominees through...

And they are rarely referred to as Left Wing Justices.

And do not even bring up Merrick Garland!
His seat was not Stolen! The Senate was controlled by the Republicans when Obama nominated him.
There was No Way he was going to pass muster...The Turtle saved us from a lot of 
Liberal posturing with that move...

Bottom line?

Linda Greenhouse writes an Opinion piece in the NYT.
The piece is full of debatable details.  

Paul Murray makes an untrue comment
about Republican Supreme Court Judges



follow Paul Murray off of the cliff...

Leftist are nasty people.


Anonymous said...

Oh boy, that was a long one!

jmck #2 said...

No doubt, this is your blog, Gerald. As Mr. Shakespeare once said, "My dear, I think thou protest too much....", or something similar to that. You sure sound defensive and tortured....poor boy, poor party. The world is so so so cruel, unjust and meany meany toward the much pain...I'd say, it's all in how one looks at things...

Peace & Love, as Ringo says. We're off to the south of Virginia, sunning, burning, fishing, drinking, eating, drinking, kyaking, drinking, eating, canoeing, resting, reading, drinking and eating.......auvoir.......

Gerald Pea said...

Not a protest. Just trying to provide some context, clarity, background and common sense.