Friday, March 6, 2009

Husbands, Wives, Grandkids, Brothers, Sisters, Uncles, Aunts, Nieces, Nephews and Birthdays.

What a Difference a Year makes...and

Today is Justin's 4th birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUSTIN! The Trips will be ONE on Monday? and Amanda will be three on Tuesday!

Awhile back we were at a family wedding...

  • I said to Michael, "where are our old Uncles?"
  • Michael said, "WE are now the old Uncles"
  • And then it Hit Me!

Don't ya just Love the Internet!


Anonymous said...

These kids sure are cute (as are all of the new generation). Remember old uncles, you are only as old as you feel and only as good as your last stress test.

Gerald Pea said...

what do you suppose "Uncle 192/174" means? Very strange

Anonymous said...

We're all still here Pea but I know your thoughts. After awl it wus just yesterday that our happy smiling positive thinking enthusiastic uncles were making a fuss (or face) over us at our weddingS. Talk about money well invested... I always think of Satchell Paige, when asked how old are yu Satch? (He was a major league pitcher who writers swore was over 50...born in the deep south w/ no records). He would answer, "I'll
ask you old would you feel if you didin't know how old you were/was?" That's it Pea!!! Let's keep laughing and not get too serious about anything except today.
Whenever I see pix of the next generation I first feel, damn, wouldn't it be so great if Mary Frances could come back for just one day for a meet/meet. Of course she'd be here once/yr. cause THEY seem to be not finished (at least one of them has plans for future growth, huh hem). Anyway, what I'm trying to say is I think there are a whole bunch of beautiful kids in these "Photoes" (as the great squirrel hunter Lamar said)and it makes mee feel like an old uncle but I quickly change my thinkin like Satchell "I feel like IUM 'bout 35/40 and still going strong! Well, I'm still goin'.
I'm making myself noxious or obnoxious or nauwseous or sometin. To answer the wise, the Red Flash finished their season, I think, in early January. Whatever, how's 6-23 hit your nasal???? That makes them about 65-225 over the last 10 yrs. Ask yerself this, do ya kneed a coach to get that record??? Just buy more balls or get a nicer bus. If it's July and they meet up at the courts in OceanCity and are shirts/skins, you think SFU could beat Duquesne. I do! Or they could lose three straight and then win one...but w/ a coach they can't beet the LSOTP!!!!! "Stella, I coulda been a champion........"
I gotta thank ya Pee for this site. For me it's mush cheeper than payin the shrinck. I feel better allready..thanks again Pee Pee!
Ans. Add 192+174=366 which is the balance owed to Mr. Kalstein when Jack sold the ranch and sneaked off to Chetenham/Mayfair where, for the next 30 yrs he helped M....keep her boiling pot full and the broom at the ready. Legend has it they moved to Mayfair while Eddie Blaze was away for the weekend at King's. True or....

I know some people that watched the butt kicking today in person...

  Sons & Grandsons... (The sons' are the shorter ones...) Justin, Luke, Jason & Sam...