Thursday, April 30, 2009

Rumor has it that...

We have a Nine year old Home Run Derby Champ in the Family Tree, but the Grandfather that notified us of this Accomplishment has been unable to forward the photo of the Home Run Derby Winner with his Trophy to the Blog Staff for posting!
  • If any Grandkids are reading this Blog...Teach your Grandparents how to send Photos!
  • by the way, TEN year old wannabes' were competing and they Lost!!!

It looks like "Hot Corner Cooker" has finally been supplanted as the Best Hitter this Family has ever Produced!

Home Remodeling & Wall Paper

My son recently told me that Wall Paper was old fashion. Is this True? Assuming it is done right, I Love Wall Paper! I took pride in my Wall Papering ability. I think if it is considered old fashion it's because people today are not as "crafty" as people like Me! I enjoy perusing the Books at a Wall Paper Store with a cup of Java, wrapped in a Java Jacket on a Saturday morning...Ahhh.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Luke turns ONE!

...and he knows how to scramble for an Easter Basket vs bigger competition!

Has anyone asked where Michele was ?

I'm sure you heard of the Photo Op Fly-by in Manhattan on Monday by Air Force2 and two Fighter Jets. Mayor Bloomburg was ticked off cause no-one told him about it. The City was in a Panic! A 911 Repeat? I would have been in panic too after watching the videos. Question: Has anyone asked where Michele Obama was during this time? Could this have been a Joy-Ride over Manhattan by Michele and some Girl Friends? Could she have walked into the Oval Office on Monday morning and say, "Barak, I need the keys to the Jet"? Barak fumbles thru his desk drawer, pulls them out and says, "you can only have it for three hours. Be back by Noon" Jusassin...

Monday, April 27, 2009

Pork Flu Pandemic & Dinner Guests...

We are having company on Friday and had planned the following Menu...think we should stay with it considering the "Pork Flu" Scare? This is our working Menu...
  • Potato chip appetizer/with a Dip
  • Pork rinds
  • Potato salad
  • Pork Roll
  • Perogie ala potato
  • Pork Chops
  • French Fried Potatos
  • Pork Loin/Grilled
  • Mashed Potatos
  • Pork-Pot-a-Belly Soup w/Garlic, or...
  • Potato Soup w/out Garlic

Desert would be

  • Potato Pie or
  • Pork Pie

For After Dinner Entertainment we planned on Playing

  • Mr Potato Head
  • Or, invite people to Dance to...
  • The Mashed Potato? or Play
  • Two Pigs in aPoke

If people want to talk Politics we could discuss

  • The Porkulus Bill recently signed into Law
  • or, the Actual Mr Potato Head in Congress,
  • Congressman John Murtha, from Johnstown, Pa

Or should we could just pull out the Grill and Barbecue Franks with Barney...

Of course, we would need to have Potato Frank Rolls and some

  • Potato Vodka...
  • Barney always wanted to BE a BANKER, ala Newman...

What do you think?

Can you still do the Sledgehammer trick?

Click The Picture For an Animated Display

"The Sledgehammer Trick"- Hold your arm out in a straight and locked position. Grasp the end of a sledgehammer. While keeping your arm straight and locked, tilt the sledgehammer backwards towards your nose. Have the sledgehammer tap your face and then reverse the sledgehammer to the orginal position.
Question: Can you still do it? I know I can.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Phillies Win in the tenth...Charlie is told to get rid of his Cookies!

As a result of being hard-of-hearing for the past 50+ years, I have developed the ability to "read lips". Tonight, in the 10th inning of a Philly come-from-behind Victory, the Ump told Charlie to "get the fignewtons outahere!"! Now, all Charlie was doing was debating the call on a ball four thrown by Brad Lidge! I think the ump may have confiscated the fignewtons also, but I'm not sure! GO PHILS!!!

Who needs a good, reliable daily driver??? We got one for ya!

We're selling Anna's '97 VW Jetta and I thought I'd notify the family first since there are so many drivers.  This car runs great, is fun to drive, is excellent for all the local, daily driving most of us do.  Here are the details:
1997 VW Jetta GLS
77,200 miles
new tires (1 yr. old)
new inspection (April)
5 speed manual
new exhaust system
new brakes
CD player
**We were asking $3800 but for family, only $3500.**  

Friday, April 24, 2009

OK...the request was made by "Mother Earth" that the Blog ask...

What are YOU doing to "Go Green"? other than wearing a Green McK Bros shirt...
  • was this said cynically or seriously?
  • what are you doing to help the Planet?
  • Do you believe the Planet is in Peril?

I read an article this week that cited a Survey that 58% of kids between ages 6 and 12 believe the Planet will be inhabitable when they are Adults! That is scary stuff! And I believe it is wrong for adults to scare kids like that!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

OOPS! yesterday was Earth Day and we forgot to take note of...

...that Lazy old Sun that's got nothin' to do, but roll around Heaven all Day...(and cause Havoc on this "Planet" with the "Global Warm...,er, the "Climate Change" debacle!)
All the employees and subscribers at the Blog believe we should not waste "stuff".
...Just say NO!...
  1. To double bagging
  2. To tossing stuff on the street
  3. To peeing in the Ocean
  4. To putting gas in your car
  5. To heating/cooling your abode
  6. To putting wood in your Fireplace
  7. To having the lights on and your Spigots Spewing Water
  8. To running your lawn-mower
  9. To eating Meat
  10. To living

...In my opinion it is the Fault of the Sun! It gets too hot at times~and makes things too warm!

I have said this before and I will say it again...we need to send a "Team" of Scientists to the Sun so they can alter its' routine!

"But Pea! the Sun is too hot!" I am told! I agree...So...I say...

...Just send the "Team" at Night!!!

...that makes as much sense as some of the stuff I am hearing...:>)

The NFL Draft is this Saturday...

Ryan Leaf is the Dude in the Middle....
...and my Sons' have Long been interested in the NFL Draft...anyone remember Jodie Mac? Anyway, the Draft is a Roll of the Dice...
  • 1998...Ryan Leaf was the 2nd Pick!
  • 1999...Donavan McNabb was the 2nd Pick!

Whom, Today, would you rather have ?

(somebody challenge me on that whom vs who thing!)

Someone Advised me that I should not...

...have that personal info in the last Post on the Blog for the World to see. If you missed it and would like a printed copy of the last Post please send $19.95 and a self addressed, stamped, return envelope to:
  • Gerald Pea
  • 4918 D Street
  • Philadelphia, Pa. 19120
  • Telephone # Gladstone 5-4750

Thank you very much !

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Pea Paintings...

Chris, I love your paintings! You nailed the Pea in all his glory. The way you capture his inner strength is astounding. The brush work used to create "Tonto" reminds me of early works by "Cézanne" Keep it up! You are on your way...


I feel like bringing out Old Post, kind of a look back at where we were on this blog one year ago. Yup, you guessed it! It's that time of the year again. It's time for the pipes to get some sun. Enjoy it! Don't stare too long. Let some others get a glimpse. Spring is here! Opening day is here! WOOO HOOO!!!

This Art Work is 16' Long...

...and says, What?...

Questions abound:

  1. Is this a "painting"?
  2. Is this done on Canvas?
  3. Creating a 16' work of art in a College Apt? how was that done?
  4. How long did it take to create?
  5. What is the Opening Bid Price?
  6. Was the Artist Interviewed ?


More Politics! I am so sick of these ....

I just forced myself to spend 2 and one half hours watching the Liberal MSNBC & CNN and I have had it up to HERE!!! I was interested in the Torture Memos released by Barak. The Guy above masterminded 9/11. We caught him and poured water into a washcloth covering his mouth (some say 183 times)..."THEY" say the USA tortured him (poor puppy) and those that wrote the Legal Brief on how the "Torturing" could be justified and executed should be Prosecuted for War Crimes! Meanwhile...I have to stop...I am too P.O'd. I need to change the Channel....

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

It is Unbelievable but, They have made this a Political Issue?!? It's the Miss USA Contest for Goodness Sake!

These two have been known to "go out" with each other! I wish I was a FAST Swimmer when I was younger!
And who the !@#$% is Perez Hilton?

Monday, April 20, 2009

HEADS UP! Message from OWU! and the Parents of the Graffiti Artist!...

Most of you have probably gotten the Photo Lay-out of the soon to be Graduated Christopher's Art Show at OWU...What you don't know is that the Gpea Blog is unable to display them here on the Blog! Our Legal Department noticed that every one of the Photos say "all rights reserved"!
So...we cannot display the Fantastic Art, nor Blaze in a Blazer....send a protest e-mail to Blaze...

One of the reasons I am in the Enviable Financial Position I am in is because...

I have always been able to "CALCULATE". That is, with the aid of my calculators I was able to forecast the Ups & the Downs and adapt my various strategies accordingly... Things have calculators are now Less Helpful & my Brain has not been able to adapt...
  • My machines go to $999,999,999.00
  • That's a Dollar short of a Billion
  • When things changed to Trillions I struggled
  • add three more Zeroes?
  • For the first TIME i heard today the word
  • Quadrillion!!!

But, Barak is giving his Cabinet Heads 90 days to come up with cuts to their Budgets that will, cumulatively, amount to $100,000,000.00 in Savings to the Tax Payer!


Sunday, April 19, 2009

Before they were squirrel hunters the Puckett Brothers were in the lumber biz...

Physical Freaks of Nature in Sports...

This is LeBron James in High School...A Physical Freak of Nature, for sure... Is Tiger a Physical Freak of Nature or just a Great Golfer? One more... Bo Jackson was a Physical Freak of Nature...Any others' ?

Thursday, April 16, 2009

To the Women that Visit the Blog...

If you look at YAHOO home page, you know they change their Top Topic frequently. I happened to tune in when they asked:

That led me to think of:

  • Paul
  • John
  • Gerald
  • Michael
  • Timothy
  • Edward
  • Mark S
  • Paul M
  • Jason
  • Christopher
  • Padraic

Are these Guys Too Nice ? And, what is with the "girls like bad boys" thing?

  • Personally, I think we Guys are often Too Nice !
  • :>)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Were you this COOL when you were 15? 24Hrs on the PeaBlog & the Pomp continues to Grow!

at least the Eye Brow Growth appears to have Slowed Down...Whew!

Google Street View...


So I decided to check out Google Street View. I pointed the Google Map to a certain house on Monastary Avenue in Roxborough. Who do I see outside with his shirt off? None other then "The Gerald Pea" doing sit-ups. Go figure! Taxes and sit-ups, this guy never stops! Click the picture to see...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Can you identify the next Sally Starr?

TURBO TAX RULES! and a First for Me & the Wife...

10:00PM on April 14 and I just finished my Taxes! Nights like this make me Happy I am not is complicated enough for a Couple that did not get a W-2 this year! First time ever in our Adult Lifetime that we did not get a W-2, and it still took me 2 and a half hours to complete all the questions! Final Result???
  • Barak Obama gets $967.00 of our limited Funds
  • Fast Eddie owes us $1402.00 to replenish some of our limited Funds
  • Turbo Tax charged us $89.00 for their effort...PLUS a $6.23 TAX that goes to Fast Eddie and his co-horts...we live in Phila where it is 7% to the State and or City when we Buy something!

Did you know that the Federal Tax Code is over 70,000 pages long? and the States have their own Tax Codes? YIKES!!!!


68 YEARS AGO TODAY...Paul was 5 Days old and Claims he was "at the Reception" also claims he had "a Glass of wine in his Hand"...I suppose he was there "trying to make his connection" to Alyce, of course
Is it Eeerie to you OR Cool to you to see the couple that Made us...Posing for Photos on their Wedding Day? Personally, I Love it!
and Paul, since you were there...where was The Reception held? and...were you able to "get what you want" ed?

Monday, April 13, 2009

As far as I know none of us did this...

But, I ask...who do you think is the Most Style-ish McKendry??? It can be Female, Male, Old, Young, Family Member, Cousin, Dog, Cat(does anyone own a Cat?). It can be you, your spouse, your kid, your cannot be your kids boy/girl friend! Stylish means who wears the Coolest Outfits! Like, I think Harry looked Style-ish in the photo Posted by Blaze...while John, Michael and the other Guy looked non-style-ish
And...the Guy that replaces Harry will have to have both Style & Gravitas...

God Bless Harry...

This is a sad day for Phillies baseball.  

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Don't Mess With The US!!!

They took on an American Flagged ship that was delivering Aid to Africa...They got their butts kicked off the Ship with the Captain in tow...Three of them got their butts shot up by the US Navy Seals and as a result, the Captain will get to go Home! Now, the Pirates are threatening to take on more American Ships and take more American prisoners? Good Luck with that Plan!
And I salute President Obama for giving the OK to the NAVY to Kick Butt!!! Meanwhile, SOS Hillary is calling this a "criminal matter"! Bring out the Yellow Tape and the CSI Team! Did they read the surviving Pirate his Miranda rights and what of the "chain of evidence" Protocal ?

I watched the Masters Today & there is No Way I cannot Break 90!

And if LEFTY had a shirt that fit him properly, I think he would have Won Today! Anyone else notice Phil's "tight fit" ? Who wears a "button down collar" on a Golf Course? I recently switched from a life of Jockeys to Boxers & I now better understand the Wonderful Feeling of Freedom of Movement with my New Style...

Friday, April 10, 2009

Where do you Buy Your Easter Candy?

I know we have done this in the Past but it still Cracks Me Up !!! And if I am still here next Easter I will use the same Cartoon...! (don't ya love the dot, dot, dot...)
Also, will there be Easter Baskets in your Home? If so, how many Baskets will there be ?Posted by Picasa

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Today is the 29th Anniversary of the 39th Birthday of our Oldest Family Member!!!

aka as : Dutch, the Gay One, Gay Caballero, The Roamin' Roman, The Cahilite(what the heck is a Cahilite?), The Kneeless One, "CinderElbow", "T" (4 the shirts), REF, DAD, Poppy, The Nose Whistler, Explorer...what else???

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Four "smarter than you are" 30somethings Ace the "Cash Cab" ride questions to their destination! High fiving all-the-way!
  • Ben asks, Double or Nothing?
  • The 30's all say YEA!

The Question...

  • When amateur golfers allow a second chance it is called?
  • The 30's answered
  • "Handicap"

All they ended up with was a Free cab ride and broken Egos...

Point of this post...

  • These 30's are so Cocky!
  • So ready to ridicule us Seniors
  • So unwilling to share their knowledge
  • So impatient when we ask questions about new Technology...

PLUS! I knew the answer!

Sense hostility here? LOL, I tell my 30's that some day they will also have no clue as to how "Modern" things will work when they have gained Seniority...they don't believe me...but they usually try to be patient when answering my questions...

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A Tuna Fish Sandwich, Mexicans in The House & when does one decide it's best to call 911?

It's between innings of the Phils second Debacle of the early Season and I am making myself a Tuna Fish Sandwich...Riiiiinggg...goes the Phone...
  • Hello?
  • Gerry?'s John!
  • Do you have Michael's e-mail address?
  • Yes, I do...I give it to him
  • So, are you watching the Game? I ask...
  • "I have to go" he says.
  • "The Mexicans are in the House"...

OK...Should I ...

  • Call Border Patrol?
  • 911?
  • Ignore it and eat my Tuna Fish Sandwich?

jus assin...

Monday, April 6, 2009

As Promised...

The "Pea Blog NCAA Basketball Committee" has reached a consensus...The Three Best College Basketball Players of All Time are:
  • Ferdinand L. Alcindor, Jr
  • Bill Bradley
  • David Thompson

Assume a Serious Tone People! I need Counsel...

Judith Ann was going thru some "paper work" on Sunday afternoon & informs me that she missed Jury Duty last Friday... I say, "What"?... What are the ramifications of this? I am thinking a "Bench Warrant" for her arrest?!? She "forgot" to mention it to me AND "forgot" to Go... Meanwhile, I have a Wig on and the blinds closed while I peep out for the Squad Car that is sure to Show up...! What to do? "WWJD"? "WWYD"?

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Eddie, what do you do in your job??

I have been asked by some BM's about what I do in my job.  Well, I just completed a project where we are launching a business where we will sell our products to manufacturers of solar panels.  The industry is called "Photovoltaics".  I've learned enough to be dangerous.  But, what I did is managed the development of a brand name, produced a new advertisement to build awareness of AP, produced a new brochure, produced a website, produced a video animation, and hosted a podcast with a product manager.  If you care to see/hear any of this go to these links.  Just thought I'd share...if you care.


Take me out to the Ballpark... Where do you predict the Phillies to finish this year? And why don't they have a Uniform that says "PHILADELPHIA"?

Palm Sunday...

When Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a Donkey and people threw their clothes and palms before Him, it was the start of Holy Week...
On a more Local level, it brings to mind March 17, 1961...
  • CD vs. St Tommy (no) Moore...Championship Game
  • I was in the stands; Sec. 296, Row 017, Seat 17...
  • CD leads 59-58, 23 Seconds remain...CD running out the Clock...
  • CD Point Guard just dribbling outside... No Defenders...
  • Pontius Pilate, er, the Ref, Blows his whistle & calls.... Palming!!!
  • Gives the Ball to St. Tommy (no) Moore, they dribble around...
  • Same Ref calls a Foul with 17 Seconds left...
  • Larry White, a 20 year old Sophomore (who claimed he was 17 at the time), makes both ends of a one and one...and
  • CD Loses
  • AND PALM SUNDAY goes down in CD Lore...

QUESTION?... did Jesus know what he was getting into when he rode that Donkey into Town... and did He know about the Ref he was about to Face ?

Referees can be So Wrong!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

NBA Basketball/Before the NCAA Basketball

Darrell Imhoff Today, still getting Cheered!...and he did not make the List...
SIXERS officially made the Playoffs today with a win over the Pistons! Way to go SIXERS! I think they have a fun group of players to watch. I Especially like Andre Miller. Before the NCAA Final Four starts in an hour we polled the "PEA BLOG NBA COMMITTEE" on their vote for the THREE Best NBA Players of All Time...This is the consensus:
  • Wilt Chamberlain
  • Oscar Robertson
  • Magic Johnson

By the way, if the Constitution were signed six months later, the "SIXERS" would now be known as the "SEVENERS"...

Next Week...The Three Best NCAA Players of All Time!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

A Response to a Question that has Not yet Been Asked...

How is your knee doing Gerald Pea? Remember my swollen knee problem and the CANE from last Saturday when all expressed concern? (ahemm) Including, the Question..."whatever happened to the muscles in your Thighs?" comment when I dropped my Trousers to show my "Wounded Knee"? Well, I thought I would Post about my day...Today I...
  • Went to the good ole' VA Medical Center @9AM & had to park in a Fire Zone!
  • The parking is Free...if you can find it! anyway,
  • They gave me an Exam & an MRI,did an anaysis and concluded
  • No Damage! No torn ligaments, No cartlidge Damage, No structural damage, no kneed to worry!... they said..."u are still a Stud, Specialist 5th Class McKendry!"
  • So, I ask, "Why is my knee the size of a Grapefruit?"
  • They admit that they have no clue, so they "DRAIN" it! (they even put the Drained fluid under a microscope looking to determine I know not what)
  • YIKES! that Hurt...but it already feels better.

Just thought you would want to know... and also... in keeping the Window into my Life open just a smidgen...I add this...

They, at the VA, are smothering me with Care...I have an AIDS test scheduled for mid-May...and a Pap Smear in early June... and I think I heard someone say a Mammogram should be scheduled...Yikes!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Two "Remembers" in a you Sport Fans Remember Donte' Stallworth? When he played for the Eagles? To be-labor the Point I bring you,

Two more Gems...
Donte' ran over a guy @ 7AM in Miami, the guy died...
  • "Stallworth later told police at the Miami Beach police station that ''he had time to honk his horn and flash his headlights'' to warn Reyes, who was not in a crosswalk."
  • Be Warned People!!! If you are Not in a Crosswalk you are Fair Game!
Question for Donte'... if you had time to honk your horn and Flash your headlights how come you had no time to step on the Brakes of your Bentley?
  • jus assin'...

... be-laboring the point about Clueless Atheletes...Google "Andrew Bynum" if you dare! OR, "Chris Anderson"...

Remember the DVD's & Toy Helicopters the Obama's gave to Gordon Brown, the PM of Great Britain?

Well, Today they Gifted the Queen of England with an... i-Pod...Classy...don't ya think?
"More tidbits: She's getting better at giving. According to Time Magazine, the Obamas gave the Queen an iPod as a gift; it contained footage of her visit to the United States in 2007 (much better than the unusable DVD's they presented Gordon Brown last month). The Queen, meanwhile, gifted the Obamas "a silver framed photo of herself and her husband, as she does all visiting dignitaries," according to the same source. "

The only person I can think of that was born in April is...

NICOLE...April 15, 1978...........

Trump was in North Carolina today

  He told the citizens that have been devastated the Permitting Process they will have to follow: “We’re going to go through a permitting pr...